Bandeau du Laboratoire d'Informatique & Systèmes (LIS)

CDE : Control and Diagnosis for the Environment


Control, Observer, Decision Support, Diagnosis and Environment

Head / Co-Head

Frederic LAFONT / Nicolas BOIZOT


Permanent Members

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require get_template_directory().”/tmp/annuaire_equipe_perm_”.$MON_EQUIPE.”.html”;

Phd Students

require get_template_directory().”/tmp/annuaire_equipe_doc_”.$MON_EQUIPE.”.html”;

Other staff members

require get_template_directory().”/tmp/annuaire_equipe_oth_”.$MON_EQUIPE.”.html”;

Research interests

The group main research interests are estimation, control, diagnosis and decision support systems. Two main approaches are considered. In the first one, the participants collaborate in theoretical projects, developing methodologies for estimation, state reconstruction, control, diagnosis and monitoring. With the second approach, the research group contributes to the study of real systems coming from vehicles (underwater robots), renewable energies and agriculture systems.

Estimation :

  • Synthesis of observers (Extended Kalman Filter) for nonlinear systems with asynchronous measurements or with uncertain timestamping.
  • Applications to underwater robotics.

Control :

  • Control for nonlinear systems, path planning, optimal control, observability.
  • Non-regular controls. Application to the minimization of the energy consumption of mobile robots.
  • Control methodologies for unknown or uncertain model systems (Model-free control and control based on soft-computing techniques).

Diagnosis :

  • Methods based on dynamical systems.
  • Model-free approaches.

Decision support :

  • Hybrid approaches combining fuzzy classifiers with neural networks learning systems for the integrated pest management in agriculture.


Scientific publications

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